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Recently, the International Energy Agency claimed that, as the solar power energy has become the fast growing among all the renewable energies, the renewable energy will be the global second biggest power resource by 2015.

The International Energy Agency has made a further introduction in the World Energy Outlook 2012. The renewable energy will consist 1/3 of the global total electricity power amount. To promote the renewable energy development will reduce the cost of technology and increase that of coal. However, the main contributor will continue to get the subsidy, but these subsidies will be adjusted as time goes.

The report also stresses the energy-saving goal of countries. It points out that the goal of China is to reduce 16% of the energy intensity by 2015, while the United States will adopt new fuel economy standards. Meanwhile, the EU decides to cut 20% of the energy demand by 2020. Japan will cut down 10% power consumption till 2030. Under the new policies, these measures will improve the global energy efficiency which has been developed slowly in the past ten years.